I got a mic, now what? Where’s the best spot for my camera? Is my lighting okay?  

Questions about proper set up of equipment are common, and usually DIYers miss something.  

Follow the instructions in this episode and you can’t get it wrong. From mic technique, camera positioning, recommended recording platforms, and preventing mic bleed, this guide is intended to provide you confidence in knowing you’ve checked off everything on the list.  

Whether you plan on recording interviews or with a co-host, in person or online, this episode contains instructions for camera positioning, software, microphone accessories, and your positioning and posture.  

Nobody wants to look unprofessional or come across as unprepared, so a clutter-free, distraction-free podcast recording zone is a must! Learn all of my pre-recording checklist items and confidence building techniques so you can hit record and KNOW you’re well prepared in every way. 


Transform Your Podcast with These Essential Setup Tips 

([02:34]) Setting Up Your Mic and Headphones 

([07:42]) Camera Positioning 

([08:49]) Lighting for Your Studio 

([11:43]) Posture, Facial Expressions, and Engagement Techniques 

([15:53]) What to Do When You Make A Mistake 

([17:45]) Reducing Potential Background Noise and Interruptions 


Mastering Your Podcast Setup: Essential Tips for Professional Quality Audio and Video 

“Your laptop or phone mic just won’t cut it for a professional podcast. You need a dedicated microphone that captures your voice clearly and crisply.”  

“Mic bleed happens when your microphone picks up the sound coming from your computer speakers out loud, which creates an echo or other audio issues that actually degrade the quality of your recording.” 

“Making eye contact with the lens, not with the preview screen or your computer monitor, creates a connection with your audience and makes them feel like you’re speaking directly to them.” 


Connect with Virginia Elder: 

– Website: https://www.podcastabundance.com/ 

– Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastabundance

– LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachvirginiaelder/

– YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ReachingAbundance


Episode Resources: 

– Book a Call: https://www.podcastabundance.com/book-a-call 

– Podcast Host Options:

Podbean: https://www.podbean.com

Buzzsprout: https://www.buzzsprout.com

Libsyn: https://www.libsyn.com

Captivate: https://www.captivate.fm

Castos:  http://www.castos.com

This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with Virginia. https://podcastabundance.zohobookings.com/#/Discovery 

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