Balancing business demands and personal life can be a tricky tightrope to walk for entrepreneurs. The constant juggling act of managing a business, meeting deadlines, and still finding time for family and self-care can be overwhelming. However, finding the right balance is crucial for long-term success and overall well-being.

This podcast explores entrepreneurs’ challenges in balancing business demands, personal life, and client needs. Guests share their experiences and insights on overcoming obstacles and growing a successful business.

My guests and I emphasize the importance of mindset and habit shifts, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and building a supportive community. Listeners are encouraged to apply the practical strategies and tools shared by successful entrepreneurs to achieve their own success and abundance.


([00:00:36]) “The shift, however, is in realizing that everyone else is actually cheering you on. You think they want you to fail, and if they do, they aren’t your people.”


([00:06:39]) “We are all on the journey toward abundance. Together, we’re making decisions, dealing with obstacles, and growing daily.”


You’re invited to tag along with me, Virginia Elder, host, and owner of Podcast Abundance, as I learn what’s working for other 6-7-figure business owners who use podcasting as their business’ primary marketing arm. Here, we get to learn how they navigate challenges, get tips to implement in our own businesses, and feel reassured that we aren’t the only ones experiencing imposter syndrome, wondering where the next client will come from, and trying new systems to move us closer to our goals. 


I launched a show under this same name in 2019, but much has changed since then and I no longer want to talk about personal finances. I believe this show can make a much bigger impact on a larger scale as we tackle entrepreneurial challenges, build a supportive business-minded community, and choose to grow personally as much as we do professionally. 


Find out more at the completely re-branded

This entire production is edited and managed by


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