No more tripping over toys, being embarrassed to have people over, or arriving 5 minutes late because you couldn’t find something.


Simplifying and decluttering your physical space can go a long way in providing mental clarity. Less distraction and more simplicity in your home can significantly improve your concentration and allow more progress toward your goals. 


You and I both know motherhood can get messy. If you feel like you can’t keep up with daily chores, maybe clutter and an abundance of stuff are to blame.


The number one thing moms want is more time to do what matters, like spending quality time with family. A cluttered home parallels with feelings of overwhelm, guilt, and shame. But it doesn’t have to be that way. 


If you spend more time cleaning, tidying, and feeling overwhelmed than you do actually enjoying life, that’s a big red flag. Decluttering your physical space saves you time, money, energy, and mental space.


In today’s episode, Declutter Coach Kiera Malowitz joins me to help overwhelmed moms with overstuffed homes sort through the mess and get organized. We discuss ways to simplify your life and create less chaos for the long term. 


You and your family will benefit from decluttering, and as a busy mother, allow you to find activities outside the home you can enjoy in your spare time.


In this episode, listen for:

  • One of the first steps to declutter is to attack the most visual mess
  • How to nurture good financial and clutter-free habits in your children
  • The top, most common issues include how much stuff the kids have, the quantity of food you buy, and navigating the guilt of spending money on things that go unused. 


In this episode, you’ll also hear:

[5:35] How and why decluttering your home saves time and helps you regain control of your life. 

[10:35] Being more selective about what you bring into your house will naturally result in less of everything.  Amazon feels like our best friend, but before you place another order, think about what has to be gotten rid of first.

[22:36] What are the advantages of decluttering for your child, regardless of their age?


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