Putting yourself on camera can feel intimidating, especially for professionals used to working behind the scenes. But connection comes from showing up as your authentic self. If video feels overwhelming, start with your voice—podcasting is a powerful way to share your message and build trust. The key is to show up, share your expertise, and let people see the real you.


For more helpful tips on content creation, check out podcastingforfinancialprofessionals.com
Connect with Virginia Elder:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastabundance
LinkedIn: Virginia Elder – https://www.linkedin.com/in/virginiaelder/

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This podcast is edited and managed by the team at Podcast Abundance. To discuss working together on your podcast or YouTube channel, book a Discovery call with me. www.TalkToVirginia.com

If you run a 6 or 7 figure business and use your podcast as a marketing arm for your business, apply to be a guest on the show! podcastingforfinancialprofessionals.com

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