What if you niched down so far that you only served a very specific, small sub-set of the population?  

That’s exactly what Jay Zigmont and Bri Conn did when they established the Childfree Wealth podcast and brand. Both of them saw a gap in the traditional CFP curriculum that left childless couples and singles adrift, and took action to change that.  

Now Bri and Jay have more clients than they imagined – all because of their extremely clear brand name. Could you possibly name your brand or your show for the specific group of people you serve?  

The magic in doing so is that when those people find you, they’re ALL IN, thanks to the specificity of your branding.  

Bri Conn takes us behind the scenes of niching down, establishing a co-hosted podcast, their recording workflow, and choosing to outsource post-production. You’ll also hear:  

  • How she maintains privacy, even with a large digital presence and being recognized in public 
  • The way the Childfree Wealth team communicates about airing potentially sensitive topics 
  • How they use Google Calendar’s color-coding system to establish time-blocks for various business activities 
  • Their funnel strategy to guide podcast listeners and website visitors toward their low-cost offer and finally to full financial planning 

Building a Big Brand by Serving a Small Niche 

([00:34]) The Power of Niching Down 

([13:18]) Embracing Authenticity for Success 

([19:53]) Navigating Privacy in Personal Branding 

([25:11]) Effective Communication in Podcasting Workflow 

([30:55]) Streamlining Podcast Workflow and Lead Generation 

([35:54]) Building a Financial Planning Podcast 


Effective communication is a recurring theme as we dive into the operational aspects of podcasting and financial planning. Bri shares insights into the streamlined workflow of the Childfree Wealth Podcast, now boasting over 120 episodes, and the critical role of adaptability in content creation.  

Learn about their innovative Childfree Wealth Checkup service, designed as a low-cost entry point for clients to engage with their unique financial planning approach. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to harness the power of niching down, maintain authenticity, and streamline their workflow, whether in podcasting or any other entrepreneurial endeavor. 


Equipment & software used to record & produce this episode: 

Riverside.fm https://riverside.fm/?utm_campaign=campaign_1&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=rewardful&via=virginia 

Samson Q2U mic 

Logitech 4k webcam 


Connect with guest, Bri Conn:  

Childfree Wealth http://www.childfreewealth.com 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ChildfreeWealth 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/childfree-wealth/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChildfreeWealth 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/childfreewealth/ 



Connect with host, Virginia Elder:     

Podcast Production Services Website – https://www.podcastabundance.com/ 

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/podcastabundance    

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachvirginiaelder/    

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/@ReachingAbundance    

This Show’s Website – https://www.reachingabundance.com/ 



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