
SUMMARY: Video podcasts can now be submitted to Apple Podcasts, allowing hosts to offer visual content alongside audio to their listeners. This content provides a step-by-step guide on preparing, submitting, and promoting video episodes for increased visibility on the platform.

Struggling to expand your audience with audio-only content?

Video podcasts on Apple might just be the solution you’re looking for.

  • The transformative leap from audio to video on Apple Podcasts.
  • Essential preparation tips for your video podcast submission.
  • Navigating through the submission process with ease.
  • Techniques to boost the visibility of your video podcast.

Continue reading to discover how you can leverage video podcasts on Apple to connect with listeners in a whole new dimension.

The Evolution of Podcasts on Apple Platforms

Since its inception, podcasting on Apple platforms has carved out a niche in digital storytelling, predominantly through an audio-centric experience that captivated an era of listeners. The introduction of video podcasts represents a seismic shift, offering content creators a vibrant new canvas to express their narratives. This evolution from audio to video caters to a growing audience that seeks immersive, multifaceted media experiences, thereby transforming the landscape of podcast consumption.

For podcasters, this change signals a move towards more robust and engaging content strategies. Video podcasts not only open the door to richer storytelling but also provide opportunities to reach broader audiences seeking visual connections. As Apple Podcasts expands its support for various media formats, podcast creators are poised to redefine engagement and innovate within their craft.

Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or new to the scene, understanding the implications of this shift is crucial. By adapting to video, you can elevate your podcast’s potential and forge a deeper, more resonant connection with your listeners, all while staying ahead in the competitive landscape of digital content.

Preparing Your Video Podcast for Submission

Before you submit your video podcast to Apple Podcasts, it’s essential to ensure that your content meets the platform’s stringent quality standards. Start by focusing on the technical aspects: your video files must conform to Apple’s specifications for compatibility and optimal streaming quality. This means your video should be encoded in H.264, with a resolution of 720p or better, and AAC-LC audio within an MP4 container format.

Moreover, attention to detail in production can make your podcast stand out. High-quality lighting, clear audio, and professional editing can significantly enhance the viewer experience. Take the time to remove any extraneous noise or visual distractions that could detract from your content’s value.

Content-wise, stick to guidelines and ensure that your podcast doesn’t violate any copyright laws. Be mindful of using only content you have the right to distribute. This becomes increasingly important with the visual element, as images and videos are closely scrutinized for copyright infringement.

Your podcast’s metadata is just as important as the video content itself. Craft clear, concise titles, detailed descriptions, and appropriate keywords for each episode to make them discoverable and appealing in Apple’s Podcasts directory. Remember to incorporate enticing and high-quality cover art that meets Apple’s image requirements, as a captivating visual is often the first point of engagement with potential listeners.

Finally, optimizing for the best listener experience involves ensuring your podcast is accessible to all. Including detailed show notes, transcriptions, or closed captions can broaden your audience and appeal to those who are hearing impaired or prefer to watch with subtitles.

By meticulously preparing each aspect of your video podcast, you’ll set the stage for a smooth submission process and position your show for success on one of the most influential platforms in the podcasting arena.

The Submission Process

To submit your video podcast to Apple Podcasts, ensure you have an Apple ID and that you’ve agreed to the latest Podcast Terms of Service. Proceed with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Podcasts Connect and sign in with your Apple ID.
  2. Select the “+ Add New Show” option on the dashboard of Podcasts Connect.
  3. Choose “New Show with Video” to specifically submit a video podcast.
  4. Enter your podcast’s RSS feed URL. If your feed is valid, the subsequent screen will show a preview of your podcast. Ensure that your feed includes video content and adheres to Apple’s specifications for video podcasts.
  5. Input all necessary podcast details, such as name, description, language, and category. Be thorough and accurate as this information helps listeners discover your show.
  6. If available, upload your podcast artwork, which must meet the requirements detailed in Apple’s cover art specifications.
  7. Review your podcast details for accuracy and submit your show for review.

After submission, you will receive a confirmation email, and your podcast will go through Apple’s review process. The review typically takes a few days; however, it can occasionally take longer. You can check the status of your submission on Podcasts Connect. Once approved, your video podcast will be available on apple Podcasts to viewers across all supported devices.

Remember, maintaining a high standard of quality in both video and audio content is crucial for the acceptance and success of your video podcast on Apple Podcasts. Stay patient through the review process, and ensure that you regularly update your feed with new episodes to keep your audience engaged and subscribed.

Maximizing Your Video Podcast’s Visibility

After successfully submitting your video podcast to Apple Podcasts, the next step is to enhance its visibility to attract a larger audience. Consider these effective strategies:

  • Optimize Your Podcast Title and Description: Use relevant keywords that potential listeners might use to search for content like yours. However, ensure it sounds natural and accurately describes your podcast’s theme.
  • Create Compelling Artwork: Your podcast’s cover art is the first thing potential listeners will see. Ensure it’s eye-catching, professionally designed, and reflects the podcast’s content.
  • Encourage Listener Reviews and Ratings: Positive reviews and high ratings can improve your podcast’s ranking in Apple Podcasts, making it more discoverable. Encourage your audience to leave feedback.
  • Share on Social Media: Promote your podcast episodes across your social media channels. Create posts or stories that can engage your followers and encourage them to check out your show.
  • Collaborate with Other Podcasters: Guest appearances or shoutouts from other podcasters can help you reach a wider audience who might be interested in your content.
  • Leverage Your Network: Reach out to your personal and professional networks to spread the word about your video podcast. Word-of-mouth can be a powerful promotional tool.
  • Provide Consistent Quality Content: Ultimately, the content of your podcast is what will keep your audience coming back. Invest in good production quality and ensure each episode provides value.

By employing these strategies, you’re not only increasing the visibility of your video podcast but also building a loyal audience that will grow over time. Patience and persistence are key, and with quality content, your efforts will pay off.


As we’ve explored the intricacies of video podcasts on Apple, it’s evident that this emerging platform offers a unique opportunity for podcasters to elevate their content and engage with their audiences more deeply.

  • The transition from audio to video podcasts on Apple platforms signifies a pivotal change in the podcasting landscape.
  • Understanding the technical specifications and content guidelines is crucial for preparing your video podcast for submission.
  • Following the detailed submission process, including account setup and RSS feed configuration, is essential to getting your podcast listed on Apple Podcasts.
  • Implementing effective strategies for maximizing your video podcast’s visibility can vastly increase your reach and listener engagement.

Video Podcasts on Apple FAQs

How long does it take for Apple to approve a video podcast submission?

Approval times for video podcast submissions on Apple Podcasts can vary. Generally, you can expect a review process that takes anywhere from a few days up to a week. The wait time may depend on the volume of submissions Apple is processing, so be sure to submit well ahead of your intended release date to accommodate any delays.

Can I switch my existing podcast to a video format, or do I need to start a new series?

Existing podcasters on Apple Podcasts can indeed switch their format from audio-only to video without starting a completely new series. However, it’s important to update your podcast’s RSS feed with the appropriate video media files and metadata to ensure that subscribers receive your new video content appropriately.

Are there any differences in how video podcasts are ranked or discovered on Apple Podcasts?

While the core algorithms for discoverability and ranking on Apple Podcasts remain similar for both audio and video content, video podcasts offer an additional visual element that can capture the attention of potential subscribers. Effective use of thumbnails, descriptions, and metadata is particularly crucial for video podcasts to stand out and be easily found by users browsing the platform.

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